Monday, March 26, 2007

Tito Ortiz vs. Dana White

I helgen var det tänkt att UFCs VD Dana White skulle möte Tito Ortiz i en boxningsuppvisningsmatch. Men Tito dök aldrig upp till invägningen och NSACs folk på stället var ritkgit irriterade på att dom var där för ingenting. Dana White var irriterad för att Tito Ortiz inte sagt någonting osv.

Tito Ortiz säger följande på sin myspace blogg:

Only doing business!!!!!!!!!!!

So, everyone is giving me shit for the Dana fight... No one knows what really went on.
Let me tell my side of what real went on. Me and Dana had this argeement to box eachother. I told Dana we should put it on video and sell it. He said "yes that a good idea". So Spike came to Big Bear before the Chuck fight for two days. Used my time from training to shoot for the Spike special. I said that was fine. I took two week off after the chuck fight. Then started my boxing training. You all have to understand that Dana was almost a pro boxer. I was going to take this fight serious. Jenna was helping me with the deal because I seen this as a big money maker. She ask if there was a contract for the fight? She made call's to dana to get the deal done. Craig from Spike called Jenna back to discuss is deal. She asked for executive producer rights for me. Since it was my idea. Help to promote Punishment Athletics for the fight and other deal points. Craig said he would talk to Dana and get back to us. After that I cancel a few appearance's that I had to do. Alot of money that was givin up. So I could train for the fight. I had to get all of my medicals done as a normal fight. I got my eye done then we got a call from Craig. He said that Dana say that they are not going to shoot the fight or cover it in anyway. So this was a real lose,lose situation for me. I lost out on money for appearances. Now I was losing out on promotion and big dollars for the PPV. He didn't want to cut me in on the deal. So as a business man I couldn't do the fight. I have a very big fight with Evans. Why would I risk my health and that fight for free? I wasn't going to make anything for it? I was not going to get taken advantage of as a fighter or a business man. You tell me if I made the right decision? Hopefully this will get ironed out and will be done right the next time. Just trying to do business...
Tito Ortiz

Så, om jag läser det hela rätt så tyckte han inte det var värt att riskera att bli skadad mot Dana White?
Jag tycker det var jävligt illa skött av Tito Ortiz att inte säga någonting ordentligt i förväg och faktiskt lite fegt att han som profesionell fighter inte vill möta en mindre och inte alls lika vältränad kille.

Jag känner inte till alla detaljer kring pengar och såhär, men Tito Ortiz hanterade inte det här bra alltså.
Sen har det hela tiden sagts att vinsten skulle gå till välgörenhet så det känns riktigt pissigt av Tito att skylla på pengar, framförallt i sista sekunden.


Anonymous said...

Kul med en annan svensk som uppskattar sporten. Vet du hur det gick för den där döva killen Matt som Tito Ortiz hade i team punishment?

Mattias S said...

Matt gick en fight mot Bisping för inte så länge sedan och förlorade ett kontroversiellt domslut.
Vet inte vad som kommer härnäst för honom men han lär få fortsatt förtroende av UFC.